Friday, February 18, 2011

Paris 2009

I finally decided to upload pictures from my Euro trip (2 years later). I'm going to post by city.

This is Paris:

Notre Dame

The beds in our hotel were extremely close! (right)
Random fight outside of our hotel
The Pont Neuf Bridge

King Henry IV (left) Police Headquarters. (right)

The Louvre

The Louvre and Pyramids

The Palais Royal metro station

Joan of Arc statue (bottom)

Avenue des Champs-Élysées/ Arc de Triomphe

The Obelisk of Luxor at the center of the Place de la Concorde (left). The Eiffel Tower (Right)

Champs Elysees
The Eternal Flame (left) under the Arc de Triomphe (right)
Views from the top of the Eiffel Tower


  1. YAY! Now you soon can say that you've been to Paris and London twice :)

  2. Cool!! I want to go to the Lourve. . .

    Maybe I'll just read a book about it.. :)

  3. Nice pics! But umm they needa gon head and give that obelisk back to Egypt to the temple of Luxor where it belongs! Having seen the temple at Luxor in person LOL, I think it would look even better with it's twin in place. Jus sayin...
