Friday, January 28, 2011

?? San Diegans

I wrote this back in October. Please excuse the blatant and extreme generalizations made in this entry. I only left them in because they were part of a real conversation.

Do not take everything you read as fact. There are exceptions to every rule.. or theory in my case.

Thank you.

My friend Yinka and I decided to go out for a walk/drinks in downtown the other night. Towards the end of the night, we ended up at TGIFriday's (which happens to be situated between two nightclubs-- I'm sure you can image the type of traffic this brings in) for happy hour. We sat, ordered appetizers and talked about a lot of random ish as we usually do when we're together.

Our conversation drifted, but it eventually got to the topic of black males on the east coast and black males the west coast, particularly those in San Diego. We both agreed that the few young black men we've met from the east coast have carried themselves with an air that differed completely from that of their west coast counterparts, though we couldn't put our finger on what it was exactly. I continued to further compare black males in San Diego. I expressed how I believed that black males in San Diego were even still completely different from those of Los Angeles or the Bay Area. She agreed, and again, we couldn't pinpoint exactly why.